Our team of experienced data processors and programmers know your customer data is valuable and sensitive. That’s why we use extensive data security measures to keep personalized documents and targeted communications safe for you and your customers.

Return mail management and tracking
We use the SelectTrak Mail Tracking suite to manage the process of Change of Address (COA) and Undeliverable as Addressed (UAA) physical mail delivery to make sure sensitive data is kept secure. Our capabilities enable us to track grouped outbound mailings or locate individual pieces of mail, monitor and manage your entire mail stream, know exactly when mail was sent and delivered and use electronic information to eliminate the need for physical mail returns. SelectTrak makes mailings more profitable, improves your ROI and reduces waste.

Accessible documents
We provide digital or hard copy documents that can be easily navigated for your customers and employees who may be blind, partially sighted or have cognitive disabilities. Accessible documents are helpful for your customers and employees, ensure compliance and are ultimately good for business. We enable documents in accessibleWCAG and HHS compliant digital formats including PDF/UA, HTML, large print and braille. We can make them easily navigable with headings, tables, links and alternative text descriptions and compatible with screen reader software such as JAWS or NVDA.
Digital documents & eStatements
We provide a centralized location for storing your documents that is seamlessly integrated into your digital system and can be easily accessed from your device of choice.
Securely view and share current and historical digital documents by email or text through a flexible, intuitive and fully branded cloud-based portal. Add customer-specific messaging and inserts and notify your customers via email or text when a statement or document is available and manage bounce backs with detailed administrative reporting.
Store documents in HTML and PDF formats and set retention periods by document type including statements, notices and tax forms.
Create a secure enrollment process or integrate your existing online banking environment through single sign-on (SSO), APIs or iframe. Stay compliant with accessibility regulations (WCAG, PDF/UA). Manage communication preferences including email, print/mail, text or web. And use a full suite of document and user access reports to meet your compliance and security requirements

Data hygiene
Our data hygiene services keeps your mailing list current and updated to increase the deliverability of your mail. This removes duplicates, keeps unnecessary postage costs down and translates into savings for your business. We offer Address Standardization and Validation (CASS) to confirm addresses are deliverable and using proper USPS abbreviations. We also offer suppression for deceased, prison and DMA do not mail lists, National Change of Address (NCOA) to ensure your data is updated with any recent address changes on file with the USPS and Change of Address (COA) and Undelivered as Addressed (UAA) electronic reporting. We remove duplicate data from a single list or multiple sources, based on any criteria and consolidate data of multiple lists to create a best record.